Thursday, 3 April 2008

The Do's And Don'ts When Training For Aggressive Dogs

As the dog owner you must take up responsibility when it comes to training for aggressive dogs. The safety of others should be your top priority. Did you know that thousands of deaths occur every year from dog attacks? What’s more the majority of these victims are children.

It’s essential that dog training for aggressive behavior be undertaken to ensure that a) you know how to treat aggressive dog behavior and b) you know how to help an aggressive dog.

Precautionary measures should be taken when walking your dog in public, ensure that he is at least wearing a muzzle and a leash. If you are uncomfortable taking your dog out, then avoid it unless you are being guided by a professional.

When taking your dog out, avoid crowded places. By gradually introducing him to other animals and humans in a reassuring manner, you can help reduce your dog’s fears.

It’s been proven that neutered dogs are less aggressive and territorial. You may want to consider spaying or neutering your dog to make your job of training for aggressive dogs a lot easier.

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